Setting up Mobile key

  1. Download and install the app (Hoist Mobile Key) from the mobilemanufacturers app-store
  2. Log inn using your phone number. (number used in the booking)
  3. Use the password recieved by text/sms
  4. Accept to share location
  5. Turn on the Bluetooth
  6. Push the green button to open the door

Questions and answers

I’m at the door but i can’t open it or i can’t see a green button to push, what do I do?

Often the app just needs a restart to function as there can be a delay with the Bluetooth. Have Bluetooth turned on and accept to share location.

What do i do if there is no password sent to me or the password is incorrect?

Below username and password, push *forgot password*. Put in your phone number and you will get a text/SMS from our system with a new code.

Karivollen’s telephone and office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Outside of these hours, e-mail can be used.

© Karivollen Accommodation | Karivollvegen 92, 7224 Melhus, Norway | +47 468 17 559 |